Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Golden Streets

America, the promise land.  The streets lined with gold.  Everyone can make it here.  Is it still for real?  Can that still happen?

I don't want to get too deep in politics or finanical numbers...I'm a mom.  I have to squeak this blog in while my kids are sleeping!  (darn, jinxed myself, they'll surely wake since I said it).  However, America was about freedom, my freedom for choosing if I want an education, my freedom for choosing my own religion...if I want it (heck, some even create their own!), my freedom for choosing what to eat, find my own doctor(s), choose where I live, how to live.  I have the freedom to be angry with my government and not live in fear.  I have the freedom to VOTE to call and contact my senators, congressmen if I feel they're not doing something right. 

I have the freedom to create a new company and make it as successful as I want.  YES!  I'd LOVE to be rich.  Wouldn't we all?  To be able to go clothing shopping without sales...to buy IN SEASON.  To buy cute shoes that don't hurt my feet.  To not look at the label to see if it's dry clean only.  I'd LOVE to buy all the wonderful sleek gadgets.  An itouch for each of my boys for hours of entertainment while we do wait for hours in the doctors office.  But, I can't work on my business every day.  I am ultimately a mom.  My business does not make enough for us to live on...honestly I do it just to serve others.  I want others to feel freedom from finances.  It doesn't mean I make them rich with money...I make them rich with life. 

Do the golden streets of America still exist?  Yes.  The only problem is someone has to make the plans, dig the dirt, lay the foundation, mine the gold, shape and mold it, lay it and then maintain the golden roads.  It's all us.  WE all have a choice.  The freedom to do just that.  Silly to think that we deserve something just by being here.  We must work hard.  But what's your ultimate goal?  If it's to be a teacher, a nurse, a doctor, a business professional, an entrepreneur, a bus driver, we know going into those professions what it takes.  But it's the choice of our professions of what make us happy.  Not the chasing after the golden streets but the joy in watching things grow and change around us and within us.
Madness.  It's all madness.  We try our hardest to manage everything well.  Kids school, doctor appointments, meetings, getting together with family and friends, more meetings, school work, our work, kids activities, we owe what now?  Oh yes, school lunches, now flu shots, school treat for parties, let's go ahead and throw in another friends birthday party from school, costumes, more food, ran out of milk, donate at the Y, donation at school, increase donation for church. must...calm...down....

Breath with me...ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh.

I have three children, and keeping up with them, while starting up a business, and volunteering for other activities can get to be quite strenuous.  I really don't know how some people do it, but then, we all have our melting points and show a different face and pace out in public.  We use to just pay things as they came.  After so many years and moves, that became very difficult.  Each raise, if we got one, never really impacted our lives.  Why?  Before we realize it, 10 years later, a larger paycheck and the stress is the same.  ARRRGGGHHHHH.

That's when I have had it.  I started to talk about our problems.  Come to find out, other people have the same issues that I was having.  So, we took hold of the reigns and started to make changes.  However, we're not eating Ramen noodles, rice and beans for every supper.  We still wanted to live life since it's our only one.  However, things are looking upwards.  We can handle stresses, new tires, new brakes, extra birthday parties, new clothes for growing children.  We found a relief, a deep huge breath in life.  Don't get me wrong, I still have the "I NEED that" the I have to have it feelings a lot!  Trying to currently justify why I need an iphone.  Keep my schedule in balance, stay in touch better with family, it's a great camera to record our family life.  Now, I have blogs and twitter accounts to follow for my new career.  WAIT!!!  Big breath....ahhhhhhhhhhh.  If I want it so bad, better start another budget line.  But what is going to suffer?  It's all choices we make.  When we budget, set the money aside, watch it grow and use that line item for what it was planned for...shopping becomes a whole new experience.  Nothing is laced with guilt.  You remember the purchase, enjoy it longer since you saved for it.  It feels good, a nice cleansing breath.

Yes, it is possible to manage it all.  Money, budgeting, everything.  On a plain simple small budget.  The rest of the 99% can live and survive and ENJOY life.  We just have to do it ourselves.  So, I'm putting on my big girl pants, taking control and off I go. 

Join me?